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List Of treatments

Treatments  offered

The correct treatment cures the disease without producing any side-effects or other diseases in the body.

At Ayurchetana, treatment and therapy starts with a thorough Ayurvedic diagnosis,which consists of Trividha pareeksha (Three fold examination) that involves:


Visual observation


Tactile perception



This helps in identifying all aspects and possible causes of a disease and not just the symptoms. Clinical examinations of patients are done to confirm, evaluate and treat a disease.  

Discussion is done at length of the the history of the disease, pre-existing condition, genetic characteristics, daily routine, and food habits. 

In addition, an Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis (naadi pareeksha) is done.

Ayurchetana specializes in the treatment of vyadhi following a holistic approach using minimum medication.  Conditions treated at Ayurchetana can be broadly grouped into the following categories:

  • AGNIDOSHA: Gastric disorders

  • ARSHAS: Piles

  • GRAHANI: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • YAKRIT VIKARA: Hepatic disorders

  • SANDHI SHOOLA: Chronic joint problems

  • SHIRA SHOOLA: All types of headaches

  • TWAK ROGA: Allergy and skin problems

  • DHRISHTI VIKARA: Visual disorders

  • BALA ROGA: Pediatric disorders

  • STREE ROGA: Gynaecologolical problems

  • MOOTRA ROGA: Genito-urinary infections

Ayurchetana has expertise in the treatment of kshudhra rogas or minor afflications including:

  • YAVANA PEEDAKA: Acne and pimples

  • KALITHYA: Premature greying of hair

  • PALITHYA: Excessive hair fall

  • SHEETHA PITTA: Urticaria

  • MEDH VRIDDHI : Cholesterol

  • KHITIBA: Eczema

  • MUKHAPAAKA: Stomatitis (mouth ulcers)

Specialty treatment

Specialty treatment

At Ayurchetana  we give“Hombaale ”, a “अनुभूत योग”(formulated by observation) to expectant mother. Careful analysis reveals that it is a rich source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron. It also contains Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6. and other micro nutrients. It is a धातु पोषक (nourishes the tissue) and helps in maintaining the maternal health in pregnancy thereby ensuring a healthy progeny


Pregnancy is a time of anticipation, excitement and preparation for the parents to be. It’s a time to nurture the unborn life for its well- being. The emphasis here is laid on the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the endeavoring mother.


During this phase of life a woman needs the care and endearment from all directions. Hence it’s more than apt to be offered with “Hombaale Rasayana”, an excellent adaptogenic and supplement prepared with the inflorescence of the coconut tree. This is wholesome nourishment that can be partaken under supervision.

Special Advice

Special Advice
  • Ayurchetana also advices patients in stress and weight management, beneficial dietary changes, meditation, yoga, and naturopathy.  These advices aid in the management of chronic illnesses and facilitate rapid recovery/improvement.

  • Ayurchetana provides information on food and nutrition. Advice on nutrition-related matters and diet modification to help manage conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, overweight and obesity, cancer, food allergies and intolerances are also provided.


Monday to Saturday 

9.30 AM-1.30 PM and 4.30 PM-8.00 PM

Sunday consultation by appointment only

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